Minsung’s Homepage

CV | GitHub | minsung AT ccs DOT neu DOT edu

I’m a 2nd year PhD student at the amazing Programming Research Laboratory at Northeastern University, working with Steven Holtzen.

I am an incoming R&D intern at RelationalAI in Summer 2024, working on the Rel language.

I received my BS from Carnegie Mellon University, where I was advised by Jeremy Avigad.

My interests are primarily in programming languages. Lately I’ve been tinkering with continuations and effects with primary application towards modular probabilistic programming.

I’m also interested in the following things, in no particular order:

I’m a first-generation Korean American. My Erdős number is 5. According to David Savitt’s Springer GTM personality quiz, I am Mac Lane’s Categories for the Working Mathematician.


Thirty-Three Years of Mathematicians and Software Engineers: A Case Study of Domain Expertise and Participation in Proof Assistant Ecosystems
Gwenyth Lincroft*, Minsung Cho*, Katherine Hough, Mahsa Bazzaz, Jon Bell.
MSR 2024

There is an old paper in mathematical analysis from when I was at the UTC Math REU. It’s published in Opuscula Mathematica.


Semirings for Optimization in Probabilistic Programming
(or: how a probabilistic programmer got into Datalog)
RelationalAI 2024
Scaling Decision-Theoretic Probabilistic Programs Through Factorization.
🏆 PLDI SRC First Place.
PLDI 2023